
Monday, November 12, 2012

Around the House: Letting Go of My List

Have you ever noticed that no matter how much you intend to get accomplished over the weekends, Monday always comes back around whether you're ready or not? Yeah, me too. But this past weekend I actually decided to let go of my To Do list and actually put our house projects on the proverbial "Wait List." Yay me! 

Instead, I went on a date with the hubs...
Hung this early birthday gift from my MIL - Yes, I am in macrame heaven.  (sorry for the crappy blurry pic - it was late when she finally got hung)
Celebrated the last soccer game of the season with this cutie (that is badly in need of a trim)...
And got ready for this - drum roll please...
Oh yeah homies... just in time for holiday shopping, I'm opening a little vintage pop-up shop full of one of a kind goodies.

So tell me, are you the type that gets all your holiday shopping and making done in November or do you wait until the last minute just like me? xo


  1. lookin fine.
    can't wait to see your shop.

  2. I always wait to the last minute, that's just how i roll. What a great idea to d a vintage pop-up shop - look forward to seeing it! And I have to add - you are a very pretty lady. Glad you got a date night with your man this weekend.. Beats conquering the to-do list anytime.

  3. pve - thanks lady! can't wait to show you the shop...soon dear one - soon! xo

    megs - ha ha ha - so glad i'm not the only procrastinator. thanks for the sweet words. so jealous of your upcoming Portland trip. can you fit me in your suitcase? xo

  4. Brooke, I can't wait to see your new shop! I lOVE your blog. I'm a friend of Emily McKeaigg and since she told me about your blog I've been following you and kind of maybe secretly hoping I'll see you around W'mark one day so I can give you a big (semi-wierd, crazy stalker lady) hug and tell you just how much I enjoy your style and your ideas. Keep it up!

    -Lindsay Carreker

  5. Ooh, a pop-up shop! Can't wait to see the goods.

  6. Lindsay - HI! thanks so much girlie. I love me some Em McK. If you see me at WM - tackle me with a creeper hug! I'd love it. xo

    Alli - thanks. i hope you find something you like. xo


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