
Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Pinteresting Perspective

Having a blog can be really hard at times. Especially if you struggle with insecurity like I do. Sometimes I have to ask God if I should keep going. Yesterday He answered that prayer through the words of my youngest reader. The beautiful woman on the right, in the picture above, is my sweet friend Rachel (stunning huh?) and the cutie pie on the left is her daughter Rory. After having dropped my little off at school yesterday, I bumped into Rory as she was walking in. She said, "I was reading Pure and Noble yesterday. You have some really good ideas." What? Praise in the form of complete innocence and honesty - I was humbled and grateful all at once. That I could inspire this sweet little girl who loves a good craft more than Martha Stewart was the best compliment ever.

Because Rory is so creative and loves to craft, her Mom let her set up her own Pinterest board, within Rachel's account. Cool huh? Have you ever wondered what an 8 year old girl is interested in? What types of things would she want to craft or think is cool? Rory's board gives you a peek into the minds of young girls. Take a look...

From crafts to lunch notes, hair styles and room decor, I love that following Rory's board gives me an idea of what littles actually like versus what I/we think they like. If you have a little girl of your own, I can think of no better board to follow! 

Have you ever thought of giving your littles their own Pinterest board? I think I'll give one to my boys. Lord knows I need all the help I can get in deciphering boy code. (Please note that Rachel sits with her daughter while she pins. And this is highly recommended, as the internet is full of images we don't want our littles viewing. Plus, it gives you one on one time with your littles in a new way!) xo


  1. This is just a great gift, i will make it for my boys. Thank you.

  2. Man, the littlest things sometimes bring a tear to my eye, like this post of yours. So sweet. I still love reading your blog too and how you share your life lessons and make comparisons to the everyday grind with your relationship with God and your creative thrifty ways.

  3. baballa - yay! so glad. me too. xo

    Melissa - i simply adore you. thank you for your love and support, always! xo

  4. Brooke,
    This week has been incredibly special for me as I realized that moments of my day need "sacred contemplation" and so be it if it is my blog, my pinterest love or my very own artwork that takes me closer to my heart. I learned that God is always there, always nearby and always has a way of giving us signs to go on.
    I really admire you for all you inspire and do.
    praises to you~

  5. Sweet pve - thank you so much for your kind words and your support! You rock! xo

  6. Thank you so much for featuring Rory! She absolutely loved it. :)


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