
Thursday, March 7, 2013


The funny things about children is how they often make you look at life so differently. They provide perspectives that you would otherwise overlook. My littles provide a mirror to my yucky side, remind me to laugh and play, give grace daily and remind me that no matter how hard life is, it's worth it. It is so very worth it.

My youngest took the image above; he's four. I'm pretty sure it's better than anything I've ever captured. (I just wish I had remembered and removed that magnetic key box before he shot this.)

What do your littles show you? xo

1 comment:

  1. truly lovely. my big and little ones remind me of my love for them. choosing to raise them, be with them, rather than go after a more glamorous life. ha ha. no, I was reminded by a dear friend the other day - telling me I am a woman of grace.
    it is all about perspective, faith and that magnetic box charmed my spirit.


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