
Monday, April 8, 2013

Around the House: My Happy Place

I 'm pretty sure that serenity spots are necessities. You know, a place where you can retreat from the day and rest (or cry), whatever is needed at the moment. Our house is currently in a perpetual state of chaos. We're doing some work on our mudroom and photography studio, which means everything resides in our dining room or garage. This also means anxiety and the occasional breakdown for me.

Hence, my serenity spot. Also known as my happy place. In this little corner, morning sunlight shines through our window and I can hear the birds chirping while I drink my coffee and read my bible. It helps that the rocker is crazy comfortable and my favorite textile hanging adorns the wall.  I recently added the vintage side table - after being spray painted black - to hold some of our current reads.
Ahhh... after a few quiet minutes here, I can tackle whatever the day brings my way. So what that I have to keep coming back over and over... Mommy's need time out too!

Do you have a happy place? xo


  1. Keep the spirit. I bet your mudroom will be the perfect spot to reign any kind of chaos. Your happy spot looks lovely.

  2. oh my gosh, that wall hanging!! love! hoping to have a serenity spot in our place in Portland :D

  3. We recently moved to a house where I have my own closet. Strange, but right now it is my go-to spot to be alone, even for a few minutes. Just put in a new turquoise rug to spruce it up. Now to get a comfy chair...

  4. pve - thanks for the love and encouragement. xo

    megs - thanks girlie. i know your new place will rock. xo

    janice - ha ha ha. you are awesome. love this. I'd be in there too! (with a bag of chocolate) xo


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