
Thursday, April 25, 2013

How I Wore It: French Inspired Stripes

Cute right? And oh so doable. Well, less the hat and belt. I'm all about zero fuss. Here's my take on this french inspired ensemble...

t-shirt - H&M, skirt - thrift store, boots - estate sale
Super frizzy hair, lack of lipstick and messy boys' room just goes to show that I snapped these pics in a hurry AND that life is more than fashion. However, I do believe that when you feel good about what you're wearing, your outlook on the day is much better. Plus, I'm still trying to woo that sexy husband of mine so I can't wear sweats every day! 

Do you feel better about yourself and the day if you like what you're wearing? Confidence booster or too much trouble? xo


  1. I absolutely love stripes and have a top on now that I have had for years. It is my uniform so to speak. I think it makes me feel closer to the sea.
    I think looking one's best always makes one feel better.
    You look great - frizzy hair and all :)

  2. are the best!
    and so so pretty.

    I have the same shirt on today :) Love when i learn new ways to wear what I have!

  3. you are so lovely! i like how you rocked the stripes better than the taylor swift look alike- xo hommie!


  4. pve - thanks sweetie. can be my uniform at times too! xo

    meg - ahhh, twinkies and didn't even know it! and you are the pretty one. xo

    alli - my sweet lovely friend...thank YOU! xo

  5. you are so darned cute! love your effortless style. you're a natural beauty.


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