
Thursday, April 4, 2013

How I Wore It

Pinterest and countless fashion blogs provide amazing inspiration for my wardrobe. But I've got to be honest, many of them don't translate well into the stay-at-home Mom runway. I'm not for wearing heels to the park or the grocery store, but I also don't want to wear sweats everyday. I don't think that would do much for the romance department in my marriage. So, through Pinterest and Instagram challenges like Coast to Coast Challenge, I have found ways to breath new life into my wardrobe without teetering heels and sequins. 

Last week I was inspired by this image of Giovanna Battaglia. That cute little vest got me thinking outside the box! Here's how I wore it...

vest: thrifted from boys department, grey hoodie: forever 21, shirt: converse for target, pants: mossimo for target, shoes: MIA

It's not glamorous, but I can walk my little to school, run after my youngest and go to the grocery store without embarrassing them or my man. This is a look that fits my lifestyle - right now.

Where do you find inspiration these days? Or are you just lucky to get a shower? xo


  1. Just yesterday, I was thinking the same thing. It seems there are cocktail or yoga looks and nothing really in between. You solved it and hit the nail on looking modern and comfortable without looking like a gym rat.
    Off to my local thrift spot this weekend in search of some rad rags.

  2. great outfit, seriously! I have 'dress up" clothes and then i have old sweatshirts. not much in between.

  3. Thanks ladies! Glad you likey. My cargos are my only saving grace that keep me from wearing jeans every. single. day. xo

  4. Right on! I love this and feel the same way. In my head I am runway too death, but in the real, I am lowkey!

    Thanks for sharing! Oh, I have been living in the GW or Goodwill lately and adding a few old/new pieces to my wardrobe. Having a ball!

  5. Your post has perfect timing! I'm also trying to go a bit outside the box (my uniform is jeans t-shirt and sweater). After three kids, I feel I have been dressing for them for the last nine years (pregnant clothes, easy access clothes for breastfeeding, no jewelry that can be grab, etc.) Now that I'm back in controle of my body, I wonder am I too old for some looks. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. Can I trust my eleven year old daughter when she says "You look great mom!" as she wonders if my shirt fits her?

  6. Thanks so much Shon and Louise. Love you guys. xo


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