
Friday, May 3, 2013

Weekly Challenge: Half and Half

This week has been tough and it has been good at the same time. Kind of a glass half empty or half full thing - depending on how you look at it...

My sweet Dad is super sick. And that's all I can write about that for now. It's too hard and I just want to live in the moment. For now, he is with us. For now, he lights up when he sees his grandsons. I light up when I see him and when we talk about spending eternity together thanks to our Savior.

My hubs has been gone on a shoot all week. I sleep like crap when he is gone. Fear grips me at night. This sucks. But, I've worked on it this week and the nights have gradually gotten better - thanks to my people who pray for me, share scripture and give helpful tips. He's back tonight and I am doing the happy dance.
Parenting alone is insanely hard. My boys make it easier. They rock - period. They've gotten loads of smiley faces for being super helpful this week. It's been a busy one and they have exceeded my expectations every single day. Bonus: the littles and I have had slumber parties in mommy and daddy's room the last couple of nights which has provided some wicked awesome snuggle time.
See what I mean... half empty. half full. Our view deeply depends on our perspective.

Happy {full} Weekend. xo

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  1. I understand how you feel. My Mom rang yesterday and at 86 she is afraid of leaving this earth, but I told her we love her, never be afraid. You will be welcomed with open arms and we will be together.
    My husband was away, so I know too how you feel. I did so much that it kept me busy but I was so happy to welcome him home.
    Focus on the welcome.

  2. Remember -- fear not! You and your father are in my prayers. Slumber parties with the kids is always fun, and wonderfully uplifting :)

  3. will be praying for you all. Lee has a week long trip coming up soon, not looking forward to it. but still, so so much to be thankful for.

  4. As a single mom for many years, I get it, how alone you can feel with the empty "his side of the bed." But, you do have comfort in knowing he will return, life will start to get better, and you can catch up on sleep.

    And, as a daughter, I watched my dad get sicker, and was sad that no medicine could cure his disease. My heart goes out to you, and pray that peace will overcome fear. I was blessed to have had the conversations I did with my dad before he went Home in February. Sounds like you're close to your dad, and he knows the Lord, which will is enough for all of us, healthy, or struggling.


  5. PS I meant to say, "...which is enough for us..."

  6. Oh Brooke, I am so sorry to read about your Dad, I am sending big bear hugs...


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