
Friday, June 7, 2013


Celebrating 10 wonderfully hard, rewarding and fun years with the hottest guy I know. Marriage requires work and laughter. It requires letting go of yourself to become a better self; one yoked with another. Two becoming one flesh. For better or for worse. And there is no one I'd rather share life with than this guy. He makes me a better person and I make him a funnier one. Ha ha ha. 

Go and hug your loved ones today. For no reason at all. xo


  1. happy anniversary hotties!
    ten years deserves some celebrating!

  2. wow, your first big one! happy belated anniversary lady, love this photo of you two. you make a ridiculously beautiful couple! i can understand why your boys are such cuties.

  3. Oh mercy. You guys are too much. So sweet and kind! I love my readers!!! You are so much more than that, you are cherished friends! xo


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