
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Woven Chair DIY

Remember that catalog of images that I told you I filed away in the back of my mind? Well, the stool above by Rachel of Smile and Wave is one of them. So easy. So clever. Love it. And while I was touring my second family's garden in Austin, I noticed these sad little chairs by the koi pond that had been covered by old cushions because the plastic straps were all breaking. Now I know we all do whatever it takes to make a good dumpster dive work, but sometimes things can be slightly improved with a little elbow grease and willing owners.

My tools...
(once I got started, all I really needed was the hacksaw) 
Yes, I sometimes do projects in my swimsuit... and in the rain... and with a glass of wine. I couldn't stop in the midst of a project just because it started raining!  I had to get all those straps off so that we could wash, sand and spray paint later that day. The weaving took place the following day before we came back to Dallas.
This chair is now crazy comfortable and weather proof. Plus, in my humble opinion, it looks a lot better. Thank you so much for the inspiration Rachel. xo


  1. awesome idea! you are such a dedicated DIYer :) where did you buy the woven material?

    1. Julia - I know I replied to you via email already, but wanted to post here so others know as well... the woven material was purchased at Home Depot. xo

  2. Your chair looks great! I have some metal chairs I want to try this on. Rachel from Smile and Wave starts by nailing the rope to her wooden stool, what did you do to start off? Thanks.


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