
Friday, August 2, 2013

Thank You: Part 3

Part three of my Jimmy Fallon "Thank You" tribute because I still need a laugh and you might too.

Thank you, Texas...
for being so big that even going to the grocery store feels like a road trip.

Thank you, Exclamation mark...
for being the new period!!!

Thank you, gray hair...
for popping up everywhere. Now go away.

Thank you, beer thirty...
you make cooking so much better.

Thank you, morning runners...
for reminding me just how lazy I really am.

Thank you bathroom lock...
for giving me a guaranteed five minutes of privacy everyday.

What are you thankful for? xo


  1. For you!
    Enjoy your family this weekend!(I love this !!)

  2. Shon - thanks friend. you make me smile - always. thank you for that! xo


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