
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lunch Lady...

Well it took me two years, but I've finally tackled lunches.  Yes, thank you. Applauding is extremely welcome. Throughout Kinder and 1st grade the lunch scenario looked one of two ways: I would either stumble into the kitchen at 6:30 am completely groggy to make my morning coffee and lunches OR I would be in a mad rush to shove something healthy-ish into my littles' lunch boxes before we rushed out the door. Either way I was pretty much a hot mess. 

This year, I decided to make lunches for the entire week on Sundays. I keep them packaged up in a bin in the fridge so everything stays fresh...

Bam! 10 minutes and 6-8 lunches depending on the week's schedule. That my friends is epic progress for this lunch lady/mommy. (If you have any suggestions for packaging that will keep my sandwiches fresh for days, I'd greatly appreciate your advice. We are currently saving the plastic baggies and washing them for reuse.)

How do you manage daily lunches? xo


  1. I only have one at home now....and she is off to high school so I love this idea....I think I will show it to her and she can create these Sunday for the week. I am working hard to create an independent young lady.

    1. Woot woot! Let me know if it inspires. I long to create independent little ones. Its definitely a balancing act around these parts. xo

  2. oh school lunches...why oh why must you be so difficult. my solution is to let the kids make their won...this is my solution to reduce food waste. the lunches offer variety this way...some days it is a sandwich, some days picnic style (cheese, salami, crackers...), leftovers or even granola and yogurt. the real trick is remembering to have enough food on hand to send 3 lunches out the door before 8am.

    1. girl, as soon as my littles are old enough to do this and accept variety, I'm all over it. xo

  3. weird...i am your unknown commenter...nicole at deliajude.

    1. what in the world? wonder why you are popping up as "unknown" I think there's a blogger bug out there attacking you! wordpress an option? love you girl. xo

  4. Go girl! Wait, you been in my pantry? My bread is on your blog!! LOL
    No, seriously you did a super job here. Way to go!

    Happy back to school...Cheers..Coffee mugs UP!!

  5. Do your kids actually bring home the plastic containers? My boys would have thrown them out or lost them. They could never keep up with lunch boxes so they were sack lunch kids pretty early on. And making their own lunch in junior high. If they did something worth rewarding, they'd ask if I'd make their lunch. Some great reward! ;-)

    1. Ha ha ha. Yes Stacy. They actually do bring them home. Every. Single. Day. (I threaten them. JK) We are a huge reduce, reuse, recycle family. They get it. One day, mine will make their own too - God willing. ;) xo

  6. Tonya - I do a little of both. My oldest takes the divided and the individual containers. My youngest's lunches get dumped into the divided - makes it easier on his teacher - gotta win bonus points somewhere, right? ha ha. xo


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