
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Gold is "In"

It's a fact. Gold and Brass are "In" and silver is "Out". Personally, I prefer to mix my metals. If your not a fan of mixing, don't toss your "out-colored" items just yet. Grab some gold spray paint and get busy... I mean, a little dose of gold spray paint makes even yard flamingos look fresh and new.
thrifted paintings (source unknown)

"Is everything better in gold?", you ask. Yes. Yes, it is. xo


  1. classy! never thought of mason jars, but that would be so easy! I'm still partial to brass but this is a nice trend too

    1. I know right? I might have to do the gold topped jars. love. Girl, you know i love me some brass too. I'm not partial. xo

  2. I really like the idea of Gold, mixing metals etc. So fun!

    1. Uh-Huh - just call us Sir Mix-A-Lot! or would that be Lady Mix-A-Lot? xo

  3. Golden flamingos are brilliant. I love gold, especially juxtaposed against dark silver. I do love the look of brass, but their upkeep can be a bit tiring!

  4. Are all these pictures from your house? Wow! Look what you've done to your backyard! Where is my invitation???????


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