
Monday, October 28, 2013

Around the House: A New Look for the house of Pure and Noble

Hello friends! And happy Monday. Welcome to the new and improved Pure and Noble. I've got a new logo. A new blog design. And later this week, there will be a re-opening of my Etsy shop. I can not tell you how good it feels to breathe new life into my blog and my shop.

It is like God has suddenly lit a new fire within me. I am sewing, creating and working like a mad woman. And for the first time in a long time, I love it. Truly. It's seriously so good that once my littles are at school, I am chomping at the bit to sew. It's all I can think about. Toothbrushing? Nah. Showering? Nah. Eating? Nah. I mean, all of that is so over-rated when you are sitting at your sewing machine with music blaring, coffee at your side and God's presence all around. I know this may sound crazy, but when I'm sewing, I feel God's glory abound. He is the ultimate creator after all.
my inspiration board: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

I also want to take a minute to thank my sweet friend Allison Vieger, who designed my new logo and sidebars. She is truly amazing and has more design skill in her teeny tiny little pinky than most people have in their entire body - myself included. Big huge, mad props to you lady! You rock it like no one else can.

I'm off to sew. I'll be back soon with some product shots of my new stuff before the big launch! Until then, poke around the new site and let me know what you think. xo


  1. oh my goodness. your new look is so you. fits you to a t.

    1. thank you sweet friend. that means a lot coming from you! xo

  2. Thanks for the shout out sweet friend! Your style and blog continually inspire me as an artist AND a momma!

    1. love you so. thank you for everything you bring to my life. xo

  3. YEAAHHHH! Love the new look! So fun! Definitely looks like you.

    1. thanks Meg! PS - you and your hubs looked amazing as Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweep Guy. Loved it! xo

  4. This looks AMAZING!!!! So proud of you, and for you! God is the ultimate Creator and He created us to CREATE! xo

    1. Thanks so much sweet friend. So glad you like it. That's a major boost for me. I mean, you are the design bomb-diggity. Love you!

  5. Looks great Brooke! Can't wait till you open your shop again.

    1. Oh my goodness. Thanks so much sweetie. Wish I had you here to style some stunning flower arrangements for my shop shoots. xo

  6. Replies
    1. thanks. thanks. thanks. love and miss you. xo

  7. I love the new logo and look! Can't wait to see what's new in the shop too :)

    1. Awww, thanks Beth! Give that tiny little bundle of sugar a big kiss on those huge sweet cheeks for me. ;) xo

  8. love it!! i'm ready to get mine redid now.


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