
Monday, October 7, 2013

Around the House: Vintage Cabinet Makeover

My sewing hobby brings with it a lot of little knick knacks. Not of the dust collecting variety, but the sewing notion variety - threads, machine feet, pins, buttons, zippers, scissors and on and on it goes. And a lot of those items are needed throughout each project. This led me to need a bit more storage.

Thankfully I'm a wee bit of a hoarder and had hung onto this vintage bathroom cabinet that was in our half-bath when we first bought our house. I knew it would come in handy one day. I cleaned it up and spray painted it grey. Not wanting to put anymore holes in the walls of our guest room, I used command strips to hang this baby. 
Once the cabinet was in place and secure with the command strips, I didn't like the holes where the screws should be showing quite so bold. I covered the holes with some inexpensive washi tape that I got on sale at Target. 
I've added a few things since the above photo - to fill out the space. I absolutely love this quick fix. I was sewing some things for the shop over the weekend and everything was right there at the ready. It made my projects go so much more smoothly and I think it looks pretty cute too. Win. Win.

Did you work on any new projects over the weekend? xo


  1. That looks great! I have got to get a handle on my sewing junk!

    1. Mandie! Thanks so much. Girl, all that sewing stuff can get so outta control, right? xo


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