
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Rainbow Loom DIY

Two words... Rainbow Loom. At our elementary school they are all the rage. When I was little it was shrinky-dinks and friendship pins along with a whole host of others that I'm quite sure killed my parents each time a new fad rolled through. My oldest is all of 8 years old and we've gone through a ton of fads. But as far as crafty fads go, this is new. My son loves, I mean loves, these bracelets. The colors, patterns and limitless creations. Oh my. It's almost too much to bear - without a loom that is. But these precious (plastic) loom kits cost $17.00. And I know that as most toys go, that's pretty cheap, but we are on a tight budget and I have zero idea how long he will actually like these things. Once the trend is over or if the loom breaks, do I just toss it? No thanks.

So after much begging, pleading and a few tears, I thought - "we can make this." We did and it works! If you'd like to try your hand at making your own loom and saving a few dollars, here are the materials you will need...

1 wood board/scrap 15" x 4"
nails (we used carpet tacks)

Step 1 - mark three lines of dots 1" apart each (dots 1" apart and lines 1" apart)
Step 2 - hammer nails (tacks) in board on each dot
That's it. You're done. You've just made a loom. So easy right? (the "J" and "L" markings are for the different sizes for each of my boys)
Materials needed to make bracelets:
1 crochet hook
1 pack of rubber bands (buy the bands made specifically for the bracelets - it matters, plus they'll want all the colors. we got ours at Joann craft store with a 40% off coupon.)
1 pack of "O" rings - (we used chain mail links because they're thicker than most jump rings)
1 pair of needle nose pliers

We watched videos on youtube to learn how to make them. And to be honest, it was a little rough going at first. But once he got the hang of working with a crochet hook he made over 12 bracelets in 1.5 hours. Uh-huh, it kept his attention that long. I love it! He even learned little tricks to make it easier for him to loom the rubber bands.
You guys, I've gotta say it - I love this craft. He's using his imagination, creativity, math, hand coordination/dexterity. And, he's making them for his friends at school that love them but don't have a loom. Come on! What's not to love here?

What crafty fad did you fall in love with when you were little? xo


  1. you are BRILLIANT!!! I just got delia a plastic screw/nail separator (plastic divider box thingamajig) for her colored bands...dude, way easier than wrangling embroidery floss.

    1. ha ha ha... not really. i just wait for others to create things and then I hack the crap out of them hoping to do it cheaper and more eco friendly. lol. floss and seed beads = headaches. just sayin' xo

  2. you, girl, are pretty special ... not only are you a crafter extraordiaire , but you are helping those around you develop a love for being crafty , not to mention making memorie
    s that your two precious boys will always have and never forget case no one has told you lately you're a great mom !!! thanks for sharing this important info for others to help their kids be able to make these cool , fun things too !!!

    1. sweet friend. thank you for being such a great friend and huge source of encouragement and hope to me. I love you so. xo

  3. My favorite fad was made by my mom who put in four nails in a wooden spool of thread, passing a piece of wool..sort of a loom... you keep passing the bottom thread over the top one and makes sort of a tubular thingie!! they still have it today but costs about $17!! Wanted to buy one for my gr-daughter but too expensive. Your idea of the loom for the bracelets is wonderful...I saw a game at the store the other day - my kids used to have it - has pegs in it and goes around like a race track...I'm sure u could use that if u could find it in a thrift shop! I made a loom using my old macramé board from the 70's - u could use cork board too!! - and push pins - although not as solid but doable!! Thanks for the great ideas!! Grandma has to keep up with the times/ or fads!!! LOL!!! my grand-kids think I'm nuts!! oh well!!

    1. Crafty Grandma - sounds to me like you are right up with the times! I just saw a DIY on Pinterest for the tubular thingie using a toilet paper holder and popsicle sticks! genius.
      So glad you like my little idea. I want to try one with pushpins too! xo

  4. Wonderful, I had been thinking about doing something like this, you saved some thought on my part.Great idea.

  5. Wow what a great idea. do you have any other brilliant cheap fun craft ideas? Im from australia.

    1. ha... I wish I could say I have several in my back pocket... i have a few here, under the DIY tab in my sidebar, but if you follow me on Pinterest, I have pinned a slew of great crafts for the littles under "Little Crafts" xo

  6. I made this before you. It was my idea.

    1. Anonymous - I'm sure there are several of us that have had this idea. I'm not claiming to be the only on to have thought of it. I'm just putting what I did with my son on here for others to do as well. Great minds think alike I guess. xo

  7. Would it work better or easier if you used nails with smaller heads? My granddaughters are both into this and have looms but I've not paid any attention to them. This would certainly be sturdier. The plastic looms may not outlast the fad.

    1. Jfergie46 - i used the larger heads to prevent the rubber bands from slipping off while creating the bracelets. Another reader suggested pushpins which I happen to think is genuis! Good luck. xo

  8. I'm sure u could use that if u could find it in a thrift shop "rainbow loom.

  9. Brilliant, and u can make it as long as u want, I no what I'll b doing this afternoon,
    Thank u :)


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