
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Forest Fun with Ninjago

If you are a boy mom, chances are you know Ninjago. If you're a girl mom, it's probably Polly Pockets or My Little Pony or something. In my house, it's all Lego, all the time. And Ninjago is THE thing. Because my boys are always playing with them and watching their show on Netflix, I thought it would be fun to make a little "forest" for them. Later, we could take out the trees and turn it into an outdoor training arena too. Whatever their little hearts desire. We made this one using items found in our recycle bin and craft station.
empty tea box
hot glue
popsicle sticks
paint brushes
foam core (optional)
acorn tops (optional)

WARNING: (Yes, this craft comes with a warning.) It is quite likely that you will enjoy the making of this craft more than your littles.
Once everything is painted (I added snow and more background trees for depth) just add your mini-figures and let their imagination soar! We may or may not be adding holiday decor to our scenery.
PS - how cute would it be to turn those acorn capped corks into red mushrooms with white polka-dots? I die. xo


  1. That is FAB!!! I made a diorama recently with my boys and it all went a bit haywire, think we'll try something like this next time :-)

    1. Ha ha... well if you could see the behind the scenes footage from this you'd be laughing hysterically. They pretty much consist of me doing most of the work and my little complaining the whole time. But, I enjoyed making it and they've enjoyed playing with it. Have fun! I hope your littles get more involved than mine did. ;) xo


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