

It started with eye shadow. This beautiful rose gold eye shadow that had all the shimmer of a sunset on the sea. I was just a little thing and I loved color and texture like nothing else. Seeing how color could transform a person, a room; it was everything. Fast forward 15 years and I was in college learning how to drape, make patterns and transform figures with clothing. So, as a lover of color and texture, where else would I go than to a fashion house that led the industry in both. Todd Oldham opened my eyes to all things design. Yes, there were the clothes, but there were also beaded flowers, tie-dyed velvet curtains, air-brushed tiles, and more. All of the sudden design spilled over into everything. I was painting my apartment walls with hand mixed green paint creating tall grass in the bathroom and hot glueing crystals to a painted crown door frame. Nothing matched and yet, everything went together. Heaven.

Since this awakening, I have dabbled in everything. It would be easy to scroll back over the posts of this old blog and see my life as a series of failed attempts. But I choose to see it as preparation for the perfect canvas. We all grow, change, and evolve. Interests ebb and flow. I’m a creative. I lots of things.  I rarely stick to one thing - except my family. I’m sticking to them like glue! They inspire me and suppport me in and through it all.

I thought for sure this little blog of mine was dead. But recently a friend encouraged me to start it up again. So, here I am. Blogging. Again. Oh, by the way, my name is Brooke. And I love ALL things creative. You will mainly find me on Instagram - because it’s short and sweet and I’m a mom of two busy boys. But you will find me here from time to time showing you how I’m helping others fall in love with their home again.  You can expect a lot of vintage, repurposing, and ill-lit photography. (My husband is the photographer, and despite his best attempts, I can not master a DSL to save my life.) I hope to inspire you. I hope to encourage you. And if you’re local, I hope to work with you. xo

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. 
Pr 13:12