
Friday, July 9, 2010


It's Friday!!!!!  Wahoo! In an attempt to spend more time with my family and sewing (more on that later) I thought I would share a quick list with you of things that I love, but must only enjoy in moderation.



How about you?  Is there anything you absolutely love but must keep in check?  I could add smoking to my list but I haven't smoked in 9 years (praise God!) But that doesn't mean I don't miss every now and then when I'm having coffee or red wine on a really cold day.  Oh, and before I forget, I should let you all know - next week is a big week for Pure and Noble. It's DIY week... all week long baby!  See you Monday.  Until then, have a lovely weekend. xo


  1. Great list of little indulgences and lovely things Brooke. Hope your weekend is a great one and I look forward to your DIY week :)

  2. Very cute new banner, Brooke! I love bird themes :)


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