
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stunning Style in Blogland

"Oh my gosh. You are too precious." "I like your skirt." "You're beautiful." Comments like these can turn a bad day into a good one. So why is it so hard for women to compliment one another? Instead we tend to compare, dis or remain silent. I used to struggle with this a lot. I would see someone really cute and think, "why can't I look like that?" or "she probably works out all the time and eats only egg whites." It was awful. After taking a body image class at my church, I began praying and thanking God for each girl's uniqueness or beauty. It totally changed my overall outlook of other women and of self. John 15:12 Love each other, as I have loved you.

Since I'm sharing all of this personal stuff, I thought I'd share some of my style crushes.

Time of the Aquarius. Beautiful! She's got it all... a lovely family, a killer house, mad sewing skillz and the cutest haircut around.

Rockstar Diaries. She's 24 - really? 24? Come on, this gal is a mere babe and has style out the wazoo. She rocks a straw hat like no one else, has adorable to-die-for bangs and her wardrobe is effortlessly stunning.

Blushing Ambition. This gal's a baby too, but dang she's got style. She's cute, quirky and also has great bangs. She also reminds me of my girlfriend Candace in NY that I love and miss terribly.

Bleubird Vintage. This Mama rocks being pregnant like no one else! Effortless style and amazing beauty. Oh, and I love the "photo shoot" with the Papa-to-be. Hilarious.

So lovely readers, do you mind sharing your blog style crushes? xo


  1. Wow, we just returned from a holiday and what I found...thank´s.

  2. LOVE rockstar diaries.



  3. ooh thanks Brooke - more people to stalk! I mean admire from afar.... my two fave's at the moment are and They inspire me to shop my closet!

  4. oh...And a few years ago I made a rule for myself - If you think something nice, say it out loud! I get a few weird looks, but mostly people are happy to get a compliment. :)


Hey... You! I think you are the tops for showing the comment love! Thank you for your comments and support. It means so very much. If you leave a comment, you will find the reply in comments as well. xo