
Friday, August 6, 2010

Are We Having Fun Yet?

When deciding whether or not to do a blog, my husband said, "if it stops being fun, you stop doing it." Right now dear readers, it's not as enjoyable/fun as I know it can be and has been in the past. I struggle with finding images that are relatable and post worthy (this sucks up a LOT of time) and getting to the other things I want/need to do. My craft table (dining room table) looks like a minor explosion right now with about 5+ projects piled up begging to see some action! Blah, blah, blah. Cry me a river right?

Here's what I'm thinking... August is CRAZY busy for me and the fam. My best girlfriend in Austin is getting married. We're taking a road trip to Iowa to visit family followed by a trip to Portland. So while all of this is taking place, I'm going to post one picture a day and talk about it a bit (maybe.) Don't worry. I'm gonna spice things up with some super cool guest posts and *giveaways* to keep you guessing (and coming back.) Hopefully by September I'll be recharged, the Etsy shop will be open and I will be back to normal - full of ideas and loving every minute I spend working on Pure and Noble.

You with me? Will you join me on this little journey/staycation? xo

(for my good and His glory)


  1. i like your final comment.
    "for my good and His glory"
    for without Him we are just battling the wind of life, right?

  2. that still sounds like a fun month of blogging. I love the photo a day. Don't stress yourself out if you miss a day. We're all still here and will love just as much even if you don't blog as regularly.
    Have a great trip!!

  3. Girl, I'm all for a staycation! Can I go with you!?! :)

  4. Brooke, have a nice trip and whenever you can check the things I did for my house:)



  5. Sounds like a good plan! I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of your journeys! ;)

  6. I've been lurking here for months. I really do love your blog. It's so refreshingly real and unpretentious. You have great DIY ideas, I appreciate your focus on RRR, thriftiness, and living with style but not falling into the consumption trap.
    Have fun on your trip. If you need an insiders tip on things to do with a family in Portland, feel free to email me at

  7. came acros this while looking for something else, admit i don't know anything about blogs but seems to me all the time spent on them could be put to better use like having time for yourself & family so life would be less hectic, making real friends that you can share with your family instead of strangers


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