
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Trading Shoes.

Sometimes I wish I could. Because the grass on the other side always seems greener. There are moments that I would gladly trade shoes with:

the woman that has perfect skin.
the Mom who seemingly has it all together.
the blogger who has more followers than me.
the couple whose relationship seems dreamier than anything Hollywood tries to convey.
the girl fresh out of college about to embark on her "new life."
the model whose style is sublime and effortless.
the gal that has her "dream job."
the family with all the money and seemingly no worries.

My list could fill about a million pages. Do you ever feel like this? Like the life that your living isn't quite right? That if only... fill in the blank. But the truth is, what we see is rarely even half of the story. Comparing only leads to less contentment. When I realize that I am living the best life for me:

I'm grateful for my family.
I'm more in love with my husband.
my friends and family become my greatest treasures.
my boys make me laugh harder.
worries tend to melt away.
my joy comes from Him.
my house becomes a home.
my zits don't tend to be such a big issue.
a t-shirt and jeans become sexy.

If you can relate at all, I'd love to hear from you. If you wish that I had actually written about shoes - maybe another time.  xo


  1. Completely relate. Keep your true and good perspective and you will be wiser for it in the years to come. From an older and still trying to get wiser blog friend. xo

  2. i hear you, i hear your struggle, i hear your gratefulness. it is my struggle too.

  3. Awesome and so true. Yet is so easy to focus on those things that don't seem right. Thankful that God reminds me to dwell on what is true, noble right and lovely.

  4. I relate so much we could be relatives, hihihih


  5. i can relate all too well, my dear!! i just can't say it as eloquently as you. ps can i have some of those shoes?

  6. Great post and I love your list of things to be grateful for x

  7. contentment is my lifelong struggle I've realized. the Lord is constantly growing me in this area. ;) it's amazing how much gratitude does to combat discontent!


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