Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Two in One

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Over the summer my boys ate a lot of popsicles. I don't know which is better - their enjoyment of them on a hot day or the jokes on the sticks. They're funny. Silly funny. But after the jokes have had their moment, they generally get tossed in the trash. I decided to  hold onto ours this year and I'm so glad I did.

Do you remember this craft posted by the very talented Merrilee on Mer Mag?

The minute I saw it I fell in love! Not only is it beautiful, but so creative and fun. Hours of creative endeavors to be had by her and her sweet boys. Genius. I so badly want to do this craft one day. But for now, I'm using what we already have lying around the house. This is where the popsicle sticks come in and those freebie magnets you get in the mail all the time. My oldest and I painted the popsicle sticks one afternoon while my youngest was napping. 

Last week while both boys were napping, I cut up some magnets and hot-glued them to the popsicle sticks.

Once the boys were awake, I told them to check out the fridge because Mommy had mad them something. The fun, learning and laughter began!

(brother giving a lesson on shapes)

The art that they created was actually really pretty and inspiring. 

Zero dollars spent. Hours of fun. Less waste in the trash. Sticks to the fridge so no storage is needed. This craft project was a total home run! Success feels pretty good. xo

"...the diligent make use of everything they find." Proverbs 12:27b


  1. such creativity! and the best verse to go along with it. well done :)

  2. you are sooooo awesome!!! I fell in love with the project from mer mag and knew I had to do it! I really love your twist on it, bravo!

  3. Amazing! Love this. Now I need to start collecting supplies. I bet my kids are up to eating more popsicles.


  4. I love it! And it is such a great use of old magnets that you may not want on the fridge anyway!

  5. I love this! Not just the practicality but the aesthetics...lovely!

  6. Brooke - this is a FANTASTIC idea!! It's perfect for my little Grace and I am definitely going to give it a go. I wanted to buy her some magnetic letters to play with on our fridge but the magnets on the back of those are two small and therefore a choking hazard but these ones you've made would be perfect!! Thanks so much for sharing this :)

  7. I loved loved loved doing this craft and the end result is better than I hoped for. Send pics if you try it yourself! xo

  8. Really inspiring! Can't wait to try!


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