Double Take

Monday, November 1, 2010

Maybe it's because they dress up every single day, but this about the most excitement I could muster out of my Spidies. What? Seriously? They were going to a party for food, games, bounce houses and treats and this is all we could get out of them? Humphhh.
Do you see it? The dreaded obligatory smile that disgusts Moms when snapping feverishly in hopes that they'll get one image that captures the moment. Well, I finally got mine, "it," "the one."

Yup, a late nap, woken up early and no after nap coffee makes for one grumpy Spidey that looks a little like Axel Rose. How was your Halloween? Did you get some good photos? xo


  1. hahahah - These are great!
    and even if not all that smiley- are still very very Adorable:))))

  2. Your boys totally remind me of my two boys---they look so much alike. These pictures are awesome. Hope your store is going well! I haven't forgotten about it--just need to save up :) Julie


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