
Monday, December 6, 2010

Around the House: Injecting Christmas Cheer

More and more decorations are finding their way out of boxes and into their "spots." And all my Christmas candles are doing a fine job of tricking me into thinking we have a real tree and my guys don't have allergies! I love the scent of pine - not Pine-Sol, but evergreen pine. Yum.

Possibly my most favorite addition this year - the tree stump via SHIH.  Thanks for the tip Alli!

I love what others are doing this holiday season too and can't wait to put some new decor and traditions into the mix. If you're looking for some new ideas, stop by Smile and Wave. Rachel's hosting some amazing bloggers and their inspiring traditions in a little series called Home for the Holidays.

Do you have a favorite holiday tradition or decor? xo


  1. i love to buy mistletoe and hang it in the living room. on christmas morning it is our tradition to kiss under it :) cheesy yes but we love it!

    love the tree trunk stump-looks festive!

  2. Looking oh so festive...that is one awesome stump you have! I want those mini silver trees.


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