
Friday, December 3, 2010

Weekly Challenge: Finding Joy

It's been a rough year. Make that a rough two years. The economy has hit our little family pretty hard. It's really been a struggle to stay focused on God and His promises. ("For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.) So I come by this week's challenge very honestly: find joy - wherever you can, however you can, create it as often as possible. I no longer want to sink into the mirey muck of self-pitty, worry, and despair.

Monday: Night Tag - Grab your head lamps boys! The hubs went to serve at church so we had some time to kill. Tag in the dark and running around with two little boys giggling was the perfect medicine for my Monday blues.

Tuesday: Enjoy the silence. While my oldest was at school, my youngest took a nap in his "big boy bed." He played for a while and then fell asleep. He was in there from 9:45 - 2:00! Yowza! Later in the evening I got to take some friends a meal and cuddle their new baby. It's always nice to be able to snuggle and then give them back. Ahhh...

Wednesday: Embrace life's challenges and dive into a craft with my boys rather than my thoughts. Serve others.

Thursday: Oh the sweet and tearful fear of my five year old who worries that Santa won't know what he wants for Christmas because he spelled some of his words wrong in THE letter. (Is it wrong to find joy in this? It's just so innocent and precious.)  The comfort of friends and being fully known by them. Date night. Planned 100% by my sweet hubs. Stars baby! We won. Sometimes distractions are oh so very nice.

Friday: I get to meet a bloggy friend face to face!  I'm so excited to get to meet Kim of Yellow Songbird. She and her blog are such an inspiration and delight. And later tonight I get to enjoy margaritas and some really great Tex-Mex (say it with me, "homemade tortillas and queso") while getting to know a lovely group of women even more.

I have found joy this week. No matter how great or small, I am grateful for each moment. Where/How do you find joy? It's Friday peeps - go get your joy on! xo


  1. What a wonderful challenge! I struggle with this a lot, since I have a tendency to get bogged in the stuff about life that I don't like. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. GREAT post! very positive words- i would find joy in those 2 cuties too! your boys are precious:)

  3. Love this post, and your sweet positive spirit. It is always great to find joy...and there is so much joy to be discovered!

    It's my middle seriously it is.....:)


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