
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Teachable Moments

My friend Barb over at Knack shared a little candy makin' she did with her daughter last week. I was so inspired I thought I'd give it a go. Confession: Yes, you guessed it. I have never dipped pretzels or even melted chocolate before. And yes, Barb's turned out much prettier than ours.

We're gonna give it another go with white chocolate. How is this a teachable moment you ask? Before making, we opened our bibles and talked about Naaman and how he had to dip in the water 7 times before he was healed. Naaman had to trust God before his health could be fully restored. He could not do this on his own or with his limited power. The boys dipped their pretzel sticks and covered them in sprinkles (God's grace). It didn't go as smoothly as I had planned, but we had fun and I think the boys learned a little something too. Got any teachable moments you care to share? Or kitchen challenges maybe? xo


  1. yours are so pretty.....and I think your idea is so genius :)


  2. I did a post at my blog page featuring all of my favorite blogs. I featured you and wrote a little something about your page and linked it back to you. Come take a look!
    ♥Nicole from

  3. so fun and they were DELICIOUSO! ;)))

  4. Oh my goodness I love how you tied this to Naaman. So cute (well maybe cute isn't the right word, but you know what I mean). And they look delicious!


  5. I would never in ten million years have dreamed of connecting Naaman to dipped pretzels. And, strangely, that's one of my girls' favorite Bible stories.

    YOU are quite the teacher, mama!


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