
Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Enjoy the Little Things

When life is more than I can manage and it's all I can do to keep my head above water... it's a great reminder to enjoy the little things. Here are a few of mine from this week.

*Amazing morning sunlight streaming into my sewing room.

*Car rides without kiddos so I can listen to my music and turn it up as loud as I want. (Thank you Led Zeppelin and Kings of Leon!)

*Mexican food with one of my dearest friends.

*The sweetest of notes typed by my oldest on my typewriter.

*A sweet voicemail from my Dad that melted my heart and made me grateful for loving parents.

*A newborn baby named Harper.

*Giggles with my youngest while he's on the potty.

*Apples eaten in the strangest of ways. (Uh-huh, he eats the core.)

*Free babysitters named Gramma.

*Unexpected packages filled with goodies.

*Late night pillow-talk with one very tired husband.

What are the little things that you've been grateful for this week? Happy Weekend sweet readers - enjoy the smallest of details. xo


  1. in no particular order:
    creating garlands
    endoscopy with great results
    70 degree weather
    veggie frittata
    chatting with my mom(who is home from haiti)
    a daughter who was ready for school at 7:30 this am.
    and so much more.

  2. Thankful for your faithfulness, friendship and a surprise play date at the park! Love you, KS

  3. sunshine on the balcony while drinking morning coffee. spontaneous hikes. mountain sunrises. walks along pearl st with new friends. hubby making me breakfast. happy hour with the girls :)

  4. A great list Brooke. Mine includes hubby being on holidays, dinner with a friend, new bath towels and a happy bub :)

  5. What a sweet post. I strive to celebrate the everyday things.

    Also, I love that your boys names are Jude and Liam.

  6. This made me giggle so much. I have SO MANY pictures of apples eaten strangely. Who knew there were so many ways to eat one?!?!

  7. Just found your gorgeous blog all the way from Spain! Lovely posts.
    What did I celebrate this week?
    *Having to wear sunglasses because of the beautiful weather
    *receiving on-line shopping in the post
    *new blogger friends
    *my weekend beginning on Friday
    *lunch in Portugal

    I would also like to invite you to pop over to my blog and enter our competition to win TWO prizes from our jewellery boutique, Luxuria. We would love to see you there ;-)


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