
Monday, August 22, 2011

Around the House: Kindergarten

Today was Jude's first day of kindergarten. My goal was to make it special and not cry. I think I succeeded in both areas. This is what he woke up to this morning.

Yesterday I spent some time with my trusty sewing machine and made some "ziplock" baggies for his lunches.

The whole crew walked sweet Jude to school.

I think if the hubs hadn't been with me, I would have lost it. It was hard to walk away from that school and just leave him there.  He said to me, "Mom, 3:00 is a long way away." I said, "I know pickle." As I type this my heart is heavy and I miss him terribly. But, as I was reminded by my MIL, they can't stay little forever. (insert sad face here)

I will say that my friends an neighbors have been awesome. Friends have called, emailed, texted and prayed for me/us. And my dear neighbor across the street brought me flowers and a sweet note. I love my neighborhood! I am blessed for sure.

Come on 3:00 - get here already! Happy Monday friends. To all you Mommies out there with kiddos starting school today, my heart goes out to you. I now know exactly how you feel. xo