
Friday, August 19, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Gear Up for School

After two weeks of vacation and a Summer full of carefree days and random bedtimes, I thought it would be wise to gear up for school this week: early bedtimes, early mornings for me and the kids.

Their bedtime: 7:30 - success.
My bedtime: 12:00am - fail. I was shootin' for 10:00.

My goal was to wake-up at 6:30 and have the boys up at 7:00...
Their wakeup time: 7:30/8:30 - fail.
My wakeup time: 8:30 - fail.

Get school supplies - success. A bloody success.  Really?  Does getting kindy supplies have to be so hard and so darned precise?

Enjoy laid-back remaining days of summer - fail. Days were jam packed with friends, playdates, last minute errands, etc.

Soak in these last precious full days with Jude - fail. He's seen so much of me lately, he just wants to hang out with his friends. I can't really say that I blame him.

So, if you look at the numbers, that right there friends is 2 out of 7. EPIC FAIL! I'm hoping crunch time will be good to me. I've got to get this timing thing down - and I ain't to proud to beg for a few prayers. Please?  Thanks homies.

Happy, happy weekend!  See you Monday with a full report on the official kindy drop off. xo