
Monday, October 24, 2011

Around the House: Playroom Perfected

 Finding the perfect layout for our boys' playroom has been quite the challenge. It has seen many variations and lots of different furniture over the past four years. But I think I have finally found a winner.  I moved the Ikea bookshelf out of their bedroom and into the playroom, giving us more storage for toys and books. I also moved the position of the TV and couch. This little change up gave me space to put their "teeny table" over by the big desk as well as the legos and craft materials. Oh happy happy day.

 (please ignore the hole above our micro in the kitchen - repairs in progress!)
 (this view really lets you see all the paint on the table and rice on the floor - nice. I need to vacuum)

 i also rearranged the bookshelf above the desk giving the boys a shelf of their own
 the animal cracker jugs are perfect for storing toys!
 recently found these little vintage chalkboards at a thrift store for 66 cents!

My youngest keeps saying, "I love our new house." I think that means this change-up is a big success! Kid tested. Kid approved. Happy Happy Monday. xo