
Friday, October 21, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Date God

It's said that the more you know Him, the more you will trust Him, love Him and believe Him. So I thought, "hmmm... how do you get to know someone?" You go grab coffee and ask questions. Right?

Here are some of the questions I jotted down to ask God:

What are some things You love?

What are some things You hate?

How would others describe You/ Your personality?

When You feel distant, where do You go?

And this is what I discovered. When you make plans, they often get derailed. Don't be defeated. After one early morning date that was interrupted by my oldest (hello 6:30 am) I went into a complete tailspin. Then came the lightbulb. When your friends have to cancel, you just reschedule. So morning dates got changed to lunch dates and late night conversations. It hasn't been perfect, I don't have all the answers I'd like - I mean I think I know, but I need to really know. Ya know? So the dates will continue and I will not be so hard on myself, rigid or legalistic.  Funny, it's not really what I planned, but I'm learning and growing in Him. Isn't that what matters most? Besides, I know God will never break-up with me. That gives me great joy. Happy Weekend. xo

PS - GO Rangers!