Around the House: Five Lessons Learned

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wouldn't it be nice if every weekend were a three day weekend? There was so much that I wanted to get done this weekend, but my head cold prevented me from accomplishing a lot of it. I was as productive as anyone could be in the midst of sneezes, nose blowing and ear popping. 

I did learn a lot this weekend though:

One - don't have your sick son blow his breath on you to diagnose him as sick or healthy. I think the true litmus for that is via thermometer. I have this crazy idea that I have a seventh sense. I'm pretty sure I can tell if my littles are sick by the way their breath smells. Is it just me or is this a mommy thing? From now on... Daddy's smelling. His immune system seems to be stronger than mine! 

Two - that lump up top is what happens when you leave your clean laundry in the basket for way too long - it takes the shape of said basket.

Three - When your hubs puts the littles down for a nap... they are likely to wake up with sucker sticks in their hair.

Four - Happiness can be found in a $23.00 kitchen mat from West Elm.
Five: Valentine's Day can be super inspiring.

I hope your weekend was full of lessons learned, hugs and kisses as well as sticky sucker heads. It's Monday homies, let's kick this week's booty! You with me? xo
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