Around the House:Vacation via Hipstamatic

Monday, January 2, 2012

Six months ago I agreed to do a week and half, two-leg vacation with my sister and her family over Christmas and New Years. Pretty sure I should have been diagnosed as completely insane, but it actually turned out great! First leg: Drive to Des Moines, Iowa through the night with 5 adults, 2 littles and a ton of gear crammed into a Suburban. Talk about a family truckster!

Christmas in Iowa with the hubs family was a delight as always. Good laughs, good food and news of twins - plus late night Christmas light viewing.

Leg two: Rent minivan, drive 8 hours with family and in-laws to sister's cabin in Michigan. Hello? Where the heck is all the snow we came to see?

 I didn't purchase or eat these, I just couldn't resist taking a picture of bright pink pickled eggs. Who eats this stuff?
lots and lots of this with my new Nook in hand
return trip home - 21 hours in the family truckster on New Year's Eve with 5 adults, 2 kids and lots of coffee
How we spent New Year's Day: Wiped! Completely wiped!

All in all it was a successful trip with lots of memories, tons of milage, a little thrifting and only one injury that should have resulted in stitches but didn't. Who wants to stop all the fun to go to the Emergency Room? Happy New Year peeps! xo
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