
Friday, February 10, 2012

Forever February: A Little Lesson in Giving

Last week I gave myself a challenge for the week that carried through into this week. The challenge - to serve my husband by speaking his love languages. His are acts of service and words of affirmation. 

Acts of Service - nice long runs without the kiddos, a clean house, doing all the dishes and taking out the trash and recycle. Oh, and helping him look for his wallet for 2 hours (head lamp and all) without getting frustrated! That is no small task!)

Words of Affirmation: I wrote him little love notes and stashed them all over his office and throughout his photography gear.

How do I know this made his heart sing?  I found this in the bathroom:
"Thanks for the notes. I love you. It's bidness time when I get home."

My lesson learned? You get what you give. - For years I've heard that no matter how our spouse is serving or not serving us, we are called to serve them as if we are serving the Lord. We each answer for ourselves. At first I didn't like this one bit. But over the years, time and time again, I have learned that loving others and expecting nothing in return softens hearts. So much so, that you usually get back what you pour out. (You get what you give.) xo

PS - if you don't know what "bidness time" is, what this video and laugh your bootie off: