
Monday, September 24, 2012

Around the House: From House to Home

In an effort to make some of you Monday haters feel a bit better about your day, or perhaps the state of your home, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into our day by day transformation from house to home. We still have walls with no paint, rooms without baseboards or door frames, and loads of boxes left to unpack, but Rome wasn't built in a day! And with each tile that gets laid or box that gets emptied, I will count my blessings.

Thankfully, our kitchen only looks a little like this these days. All appliances are in place and I am... gasp... cooking! But, we do still have a table half stacked with tools and home repair returns.
The playroom has seen it's second transformation in three weeks. I still don't know if I'm happy with it, but it works for now and the boys seem to love it. When they walked in an saw this little bit of progress, they screamed for joy (literally) and jumped up and down while clapping. (Tip - if you want to get your littles really excited about their stuff, pack it up for three months!)
My "drop dead sexy" blue bedroom is anything but sexy right now. The boxes and laundry are dwindling (praise the Lord) but the foamcore "curtains" are still in place and the walls are bare. Fear not, I have plans. Now if I could just get my sewing machine unpacked...
If raising children takes a village, then remodeling a home takes the patience of Job. Just sayin'. See? Don't you feel better about your digs and your Monday already? I know I do. xo


  1. Moving, renovating, taking care of kiddos is exhausting..and I think it looks great!

  2. Girl, I sure did miss you. I have been out of things too, with school and activities starting and a shady computer. Well, glad you guys got TJ's in your neck of the woods and your home is coming together!!


  3. Loooooving the snipits of the new house! Will be stalking to see more.

  4. watch for the rosemary marcona almonds at tj' crack i suspect.

    love the sexy bedroom! can't wait to see the home.
    so glad you are back.

  5. Thanks, thanks, thanks for the love and support ladies! It feels good to be if I can just find some consistency and margin in my life. LOL. Adore you guys! xo


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