
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Trophies

For the love of first place! What is it about boys and trophies? I guess trophies are to boys what tiaras are to girls? Whatever the case, my boys are in love with them - especially my oldest. These little plastic trinkets, that break within months, sit atop bookshelves for the sole purpose of collecting dust. So, what is a Mom to do with all those ugly gold plastic statues? Oh homies, take a look at these ideas and be amazed...
classic sports hooks via design sponge
white via pink postcards
wine toppers via country living
aqua swimmers via living in a nutshell

I seriously want to try some of these so badly I could die. I'm either going to have to beg my big for permission to transform his coveted plastic monuments or wait a few years. Hmmm... I think I'll beg. How about you? Are you going to try any of these? I bet you secretly still have yours from when you were little huh? (I'm not hatin', I probably would too if I were ever the athletic sort.) Go ahead, climb into the attic and dig 'em out. You know you want to. xo

vintage trophies via habitually chic


  1. I bet you could find some at a thrift store or garage sales! :)

  2. I love all of these ideas. Sentimental me never wants to get rid of our trophies but they're just sitting in boxes. I think I'm going to make some hooks out of mine.

  3. My son would never forgive me if I did anything to his precious soccer trophies ;-)

  4. that second picture of the painted white trophies has been in my "favorites" folder waiting to be done! I just came across about 20 trophies at the Goodwill last week and they were 50 cents a piece.......would you believe I did not buy them???!!! I don't know what my problem was/is......

    I may have to go back and buy them now....I can send you half :} xo

  5. Rach - I know right! It;s a date then!

    Abby - if you make hooks, I want pictures. for sure.

    Thrifted Treasure - mine either! When I asked him if we could paint his and said, "wouldn't that be cool?" he quickly responded - NO!

    Miss Barb - I'm sitting by the door waiting for the postman! ha ha ha. You better get you bootie back to the thrift store so I can see you put your magic touch on some plastic trophy goodness. xo


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