
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Brick by Brick

After having ripped the roof off of our house and knocking down the little half wall that surrounded our putting green patio, we have a few bricks lying around. I don't want to just toss them. So I found myself wondering what other RRR geniuses have been doing with them. Take a look - genius indeed.

(for the record, these aren't actual bricks; but you could easily copy this by stacking and painting actual bricks. awesome sauce.)
(this is most likely where ours will end up, our backyard needs some help.)

People are clever right? I love all of these. So amazing and so much better than throwing them away or at someone when you're really mad. Agreed? Happy Recycling. xo


  1. brick by brick....yellow brick road....herringbone bricks.

  2. i love the succulents in the

  3. Awesome round-up Brooke. I may have to try a few of these...


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