
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Whole What?

I don't want to try it. I know I need to at least attempt it... The it isWhole 30. Everyone's singing the praises of eating whole foods, but quite frankly a life with no dairy and no lattes scares the crap out of me. At first my hubs was all in. "Yeah, we should do that!" Then I broke the news, "no cereal, no milk or cheese - no dairy, no chips, no bread..." His reply was, "I hate it already." Gotta love a man that's honest. To be real, my even greater fear is having to prepare two meals every breakfast, lunch and dinner. My boys are picky, picky eaters and I hate spending any more time in the kitchen than absolutely necessary. That's the whole truth and nothin' but the truth. So, until I can prepare my mind and my kitchen for Whole 30, I'm sticking to "healthier" eating. That includes my smoothies. I love them. Quick, easy, nutritious and good.

3/4 milk or more depending on desired thickness (can substitute soy milk or coconut milk)
4-5 cubes of ice (to make it super cold)
1 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt
fruit (if you want to spice it up...applesauce, strawberries, blueberries, whatever is in season)
1 tablespoon of peanut butter
handful of spinach

Mix well (I use a hand blender) and drink in the goodness.

* I recently added in a handful of kale, in addition to the spinach, and I am delighted to report that it did NOT change the flavor!  And, when I'm craving some chocolate, which is often, I add a scoop of Ovaltine. No lie. It rocks the house.

Yum. Yum. Yummy. So good and semi-healthy...right? 

Have you done Whole 30? If so, did you go back to your old way of eating afterward? Was it super hard? Spill the beans... I mean, the nuts! xo


  1. I have certainly not done "Whole 30". I don't know -- everything in moderation right? (And I love spinach in my salad, but not my smoothies haha)

  2. I just finished up my Whole 30 and loved it so much that I'm continuing on with Paleo indefinitely. It's a change in the way you think about food, but I felt better, glowed apparently, and lost 12 lbs! I'd recommend getting a good cookbook though to inspire you. My favorite is Well Fed, and I think all of them are Whole 30 recipes. Good luck and enjoy it!

  3. as you know, i did Whole30 and i stick to it 90% of the family is not on board. The hubby wants his beer and pizza and it is too much work to convert the whole family...for now. it is doable though. you should try it...30 days is nothing. it does take a lot more food prep. maybe your boys will find other favorite treats.

  4. guys are really gonna try to guilt me into this huh? Dang it. For the record, I had 3 pieces of homemade pumpkin bread french toast today. Kinda of a last hurrah I guess. But honestly, if I decide to do this...there will indeed be another last hurrah. Just sayin'. thanks for the encouragement ladies! xo

  5. Thanks for this recipe...I love the awareness Whole 30 has brought to healthy eating, but I just can't part with dairy (greek yogurt, cheese!). We are trying to replace grains with more fruits & vegetables though, and it's a daily challenge.

    PS. yeah for Ovaltine - a childhood favorite!


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