
Monday, December 10, 2012

Around the House: Life Lately

Sometimes life gets a little random and that's just how I like it. A craft here and there. Silly faces and giggle time with my littles. Impromptu art fun after dinner with cool gifty tools from dear friends. And finally unpacking most of my craft room.

I'm pretty sure I'm at my happiest when things are a little bit silly mixed in with a whole lot of random.

Do you like random or scheduled days best? xo


  1. LOVE the stencils being put to creative use by your littles!!! and those pom book marks- LOVE! you are so creative missy!

  2. I'm happiest too when things are a little bit with a bunches of random. Looks like y'll know how to have fun!

  3. allison - not as creative as you! xo

    nicole - we are kindred spirits i tell ya. xo

    liz - i don't know if we know how to have fun all the time, but we have our moments. ha ha ha xo


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