
Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Traditions

Traditions are a funny thing; how they get started and then handed down generation to generation. I don't know why I see them as funny, I just do. Don't get me wrong, I love them; but once we moved to Texas, I don't really remember much tradition in my family. I think that's why it's so important to start them with my littles.

My hubs has his crazy family traditions: socks and underwear (always) and poppers every Christmas Eve. And so we pretty much stick to his, but have also added a few of our own as well. One that I wanted to share with you guys today came from Ashley of Under the Sycamore. A couple of years ago she shared that she and her crew write down a list of hopes and wishes for each family member for the new year to come. They put the lists in each stocking as they take them down and pack them away for the next Christmas.

The next year as they unpack their Christmas decor and get ready to hang their stockings, they read the lists aloud. We have adopted this little tradition in our home for the past two years and we love it! We gather as a family and read the lists aloud with cheers and jeers for each accomplishment or missed opportunity. We don't dwell on what didn't come to pass, we simply encourage for the coming new year and celebrate victories. It is such a sweet time and we I will save those lists for years, hoping to pass them onto my littles when they are no longer little but have some of their own. (Oh that I would be so blessed.) It goes by so quickly, I want to be sure and capture all that I can. This is a great way to do just that. Thanks Ashley.

If you ever wonder whether God hears our prayers... My oldest likes sports and he really likes winning. Competitive is an understatement. So last year I wrote on his list that I would like him to learn how to lose with humility and dignity. I had completely forgotten that prayer until I hung our stockings this year, but God answered that request in a big way. Jude has played with his little soccer team for 3-4 seasons now. It was a random team that we got placed into but we have come to love each and every member. Spring season 2012 they did so great they got moved up in ranking. Fall season 2012 they didn't win a single game. Not. One. It was awful - for the kids, the coaches and the parents. They played with all their hearts every game. Not only that, but our coach's 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia. It was challenging all around, but we grew as a team and became stronger in our faith and our walks because of our many challenges. I'm happy to report that Jude no longer cries when he loses a game. Instead he focuses on his team and their strengths praising each player when they do a good job. And our coach's daughter is doing extremely well with her Leukemia almost 100% at bay. We serve a very BIG and very intimate God. Blessed.

Happy Friday Homies. Make it a memorable one. xo


  1. Love this. Your space looks so simple, so beautiful! The Nativity is my favorite!! Thank you for sharing your heart, as always.

    I teared up at the end as my little/big folks are competitive athletes as well. God is doing big and important stuff in our children's lives.

    Have a wonderful day! I still need to pick your brain on something.

  2. Shon - you made ME tear up with your sweet comment. Thanks for your love and support. xo

  3. merry merry to you my friend. your fireplace looks swell and i still owe you snickerdoodles.

  4. Nicole - thanks friend. don't you worry about those's a very busy time of year. just enjoy your family. xo


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