Cross Country Skiing

Thursday, January 10, 2013

We came. We saw. We fell a lot. But it was SOOOO much fun. My SIL (cutie on the left) took these photos with her iphone while we were getting a cross country lesson from my FIL. We did the 5 mile loop - woot! And then the SIL and I got her car stuck in a snow drift that came up to my knees. It was an awesomely fun day - stuck and all.

 Seriously? Does he even look happy? We made him do a retake...

Now that's what I'm talkin' about. Have you ever gone cross country skiing? Pizza or French Fries down the little hills? xo


  1. Looks fun and yes, he looks cold and not happy!!

    Glad you had a blast making memories with your family.

    Great weekend to you and yours.

  2. Brad and I are going snowshoeing this weekend up at Sundance, and I can hardly wait! This looks so fun!

  3. Lovely! We are big skiers and ski all winter long. I am thinking of getting certified to teach! One ski coach told me that the snow is the glue that will hold our family together! TRUE! We love to ski as a family~


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