
Monday, November 4, 2013

Around the House: Playroom Remix

As my littles grow - and this happens all too quickly these days - I find that I need to make some decor changes along with our life changes. In our playroom we used to have a little Ikea blue "teeny table", as it was dubbed in our house. The last time I gave my littles a good hard look while at said "teeny table" I noticed that my oldest's legs no longer fit underneath it. What?  How could this be? He's eight. Eight! Not eighteen. And this is/was a "kids" table. Clearly it was time for a new table. One that could grow with us!
In a recent trip to Ikea, I found a small white table top in the discounted section for $9.00.  Perfect. Now all I needed were some legs. Sadly, Ikea didn't have the height I needed. I did find some great wooden ones at Home Depot though, for a pretty good price. (More on the table and legs tomorrow.) 

I also noticed that both boys use our fireplace stoop as a table and seating. No. No. No. That just won't work. And PS - I think the main reason for this poor usage is the nearby power outlet. That's generally where their iphone charges. (Before y'all start thinking I've lost my mind, let me just share that the iphone is an old 3-series that belonged to the hubs. It is filled with children's games and nothing more.) It has become quite clear that we need a comfy lounging chair by the fireplace. Luckily, they had one in their bedroom that was used to pile up dirty clothes. And I'm pretty sure that is a poor use of a stunning mid-century modern chair. Not to mention that the actual clothes hamper is a mere 5-10 steps away.
Here's the beauty of all the changes that were made... They are using the table. They are - hold onto your seats - coloring and crafting! And the goodness doesn't stop there. They actually sit in the chair to play on their phone and to READ. Be still my heart. Wonders truly never cease. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you know you've made some good design/decor changes when the room actually gets used more. Hallelujah. Now that makes for a happy weekend and a very happy home. 

Have you made any changes lately to accommodate your ever growing family? xo


  1. my house is like a soap opera, "As the world turns" - lots of changes and some days lots of spinning out of control! ha ha -

  2. I want to come hang out at your lovely! I remember the day that the "kid" size table was passed on to a family with littler littles! You just wait, next thing you know, they will wear the same size shoe as you and you will no longer be able to see the top of their heads when they stay next to you.

  3. Love your style! Are the floors concrete?

  4. Love it - sophisticated and still playful! Can you please share where the rug is from?

    1. Hi sunny! Thanks for your kind words! The rug is from ikea and we love it. Very affordable! Xo


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