
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kids Table DIY

When I stumbled upon this table in the Ikea clearance section for under $10.00, I was hoping to find some table legs at Ikea as well. No luck. All of their table legs are too high for a kids table. The search began for affordable table legs. In the end, I settled on 4 - 21" hardwood Parsons table legs from Home Depot. At $5.00 each, I thought it was a great deal. (If you're looking for more modern legs, this one is great. Sadly it's not available in the height I wanted.) 
Because Ikea's legs didn't work, I also needed brackets for the legs.  The holes didn't line up perfect, but after putting screws in where I could line up pre-existing holes, I just drilled new holes.
Do this times four. Bam. Done. Now comes the fun part. What to do with those bare legs? Paint? Washi tape? I recently found some Scotch washi tape on sale at Target for $1.28 a roll. The boys love the multi color circuit board looking one. But I tried it on the leg (see first image at top of post) and it doesn't have the look/impact I'm going for. I'm thinking the blue washi tape on the bottom 1/4 of the legs.

And because I'm so dang fickle. It has to be done in tape. I mean, you know I'm just gonna change it in 6 months or less. Right? 

What do you think? Blue washi tape for the win? xo

collage - 1 | 2 | 3


  1. You are so darn resourceful! Those legs will be great with some blue washi tape. I didn't know Target sold it! Also, we have that same rug from IKEA - just got it last week for our music room/office - what Joel calls our "person cave"

    1. Oooh, person cave! Love it. BLue... I think so too. Washi tape at Target and hold on to your panties... The Dollar Tree! Can you believe it? xo


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