
Monday, February 7, 2011

Around the House: A Thrifty Remix

Rearranging and decorating my home in a way that is inviting and warm for family and friends is a favorite pass-time of mine. Most of all, I love doing it for mere pennies. The cheaper the better. One of the best ways to do this is to take things from all over the house, lump 'em in a pile and try to reincorporate them throughout your home. (Victoria of sfgirlbybay is a pro at this.) Here are a few before and after shots of my bedroom:


This is so fun isn't it? Remember that wallpaper I found at the thrift store for $3.00? It's finally up in the sewing room. Voila!  I still haven't decided how my desk works best in the room, but I'm thinking against the wall so that I can look out my windows. Thoughts? I'll ask the hubs to take better pics once the sun is shining and show you more.

Oh, and in case you're wondering... this is the room formerly known as our guest room and looked like this:

And that dresser that I saved from being demolished in that old abandoned house? It's finally painted and now resides in the sewing room as well.

Pennies. Pennies!  Mwuuu-haaaaa haaaaa! Don't you love it?  Yes, I'd love to repaint every room and buy some new furniture, but who has the time or the funds for that? All of this was done with a little paint and simply moving things around. Besides, I love my stuff... everything has a precious memory attached to it.

What's new around your house? xo


  1. love this post! it is so fun to move things around in the winter since we're all indoors so much :)

  2. Just love your style! So inspired!

  3. Wow! You have been busy!!! Everything looks great! Seems the snow days have been good for you!

    Be Blessed!


  4. I love it all Brooke! That blue is so perfect for that piece of furniture, and the fans on top are icing on your delicious cake. :)

  5. Honestly, can I move in... I am so inspired by your vintage finds and the way you style/arrange things.
    I need to try that "lump in pile, then reincorporate" method! :)

  6. Love the afters. You have some really great items. I need to get thrifty again. I've been trying not to bring anything else home lately because we just don't have the space. :(

  7. I love that chalkboard, Brooke. Beautiful! I have a hard time rearranging because I can only picture things where they've always been. It always takes me a while to warm up to something being in a new spot.


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