
Monday, September 12, 2011

Around the House: The Witching Hours

Do you have 'em? The witching hours? You know that last few hours of the day that drag on for years before the husband gets home and the kids go to bed?  Well, my girlfriend Cricket and I sure, sure do.  So she asked me to do a post about some ways to get the wiggles out with minimal mess, few sibling arguments and little effort - let's be honest, it's the end of the day and we're wiped!  I thought I'd share some of my oldies but goodies (click on the links for details) and a few new ideas as well.

Pom Pom Races:

Darts: I have two boys, therefore we have a lot of Nerf guns and "bullets". Using window markers I draw a bullseye on our sliding glass doors and let the boys go to town. It's a sure fire hit! (pardon the pun)

Balloon Punching Bag:

Spin Art:

Bean Bag Toss: Grab some Dollar Store buckets, set them up in a row down your hallway and let the kids rack up the points. If you want to make it really fun (and a teachable moment) have a prize for the one with the most points and the least points. The one with the least points gets the better prize and you can share Mark 9:35 He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” 

Science gets Crafty
(found this great idea on pinterest)
sink or float (a fave around this house)

Good day and good luck! xo