Around the House: Scratchin' the Itch

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good Mornin'. Can you believe it's Monday again? So soon? Ugh. Over the weekend,  I busied my sweet husband with some honey-dos. New paint selections, carpet selection for the playroom and rewiring/hanging our awesome garbage find above the bed. I'm kinda lovin' it. And looking at the pic above makes me want to paint our bedroom walls a dark grey or navy - but I won't. Not yet anyway.

I can't stand to look at the same decor over and over again. I often get the itch to change things up a bit. Most recently, the bedroom. A few weeks ago I scored an old doily Pinaboard at the thrift store for $3.00. It was hiding in a corner and the red frame caught my eye. I decided to pair it with the vintage bathroom mirror that ended up being too big...  I think the end result is a bit more bohemian-modern.

The hubs isn't sold on the sign above the bed. I think he's kinda grossed out about it being old and "dirty" (even through I scrubbed the tar out of that thing) and above our bed. What do you think? xo
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